My story begins with my father and mother, who immigrated here from Taiwan. I was raised in New York. Education, work, and life have brought me all over the world. State-side, I’ve lived in NY, CA, TN, FL, NJ, PA, and now the Mountain West. I’ve also spent time overseas in Taipei, Beijing, and various parts of Japan. These experiences, as well as my halting accrual of proficiency in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, have shaped who I am as a writer.

Other artistic influences, in no particular order: C.S. Lewis, Natsume Sōseki, Wendell Berry, the Psalms, and the music of Bach and Rachmaninov.

When I’m not writing or reading, I can be found sawing away on the violin, tutoring Chinese and Japanese, or walking along some trail with my wife. That’s after hours, of course. During the day, I work as a speech therapist at a local high school, helping students with communication issues due to articulation, stuttering, autism, and the like. I conceptualize my work as a more practical (as opposed to aesthetic) application of my interest in language. I’m inspired by the fact that Jesus himself was a speech therapist of sorts (Mark 7:31-37).



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